Thursday, August 26, 2010

On to Day 3!

I need to go to bed right now, but I wanted to write a quick post to say how wonderful my students are! I was just reading through all of their work and I came across something that I cannot keep to my self. Today my homeroom had a "do now" to write about "what makes a great teacher?" One of them (even though my students will always be anonymous I actually don't know who this one is, because I forgot to have them put their names on it...) finished early so she/he got to write about a favorite teacher that they've had. Here is what she/he wrote:

"My Favorite teacher"
My favorite teacher is Ms. (my last name, trying to be anonymous) she's always enthusiastic and she cares about us a lot. She doesn't fuss a lot and she always giving us positive thoughts. She believes in us.

What a compliment! That last sentence is exactly what I wanted students to say about me. I will take this with me forever.

Ok off to bed for my 5:30 wake up.

1 comment:

Rhonda Levy said...


I am sure many of your students will have wonderful things to say about you. They are lucky to have you.

Rhonda Levy