Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Off?

So you may all be thinking to yourselves, "what do teachers do during the summer?" Well, hopefully I will do a whole lot more blogging! Many teachers take the entire summer off in order to refresh themselves for the new school year, many of my teacher friends will spend the summer traveling, sitting by the pool, and trying out new recipes. I, however, will be spending my summer a little bit differently. I was given an amazing opportunity to work for Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools this summer shadowing a district superintendent. The superintendent who I am working for oversees 49 of the Title 1 elementary schools in the district. I will spend the summer going to meetings with him, and also working on a project that will hopefully have some impact on the district in the future (more on this next post). I started this week after a very nice week off visiting friends and family in Philly and NYC. We work 10 hour work days during the summer so that we have Fridays off! I spent most of my time this week getting to know the staff in the office, and observing how things run.

In addition to work life I also signed up for my yoga studio's summer challenge. If I do 50 classes in the 70 day time period I get 3 months free. I am going to think of it as replacing my crazy equestrian life with yoga. I am really looking forward to this summer challenge, and I am already 4 classes in. I also will be doing a lot of cooking this summer, and exploring my inner vegan. I've been a vegetarian since I was six so I am going to attempt veganism. This is partially motivated by my beautiful sister who will not be able to stay true to her veganism this summer, I am going to try to stick to it for her.

Please stay tuned and keep me motivated to blog throughout the summer. I will not be able to share all details of my internship, but can't wait to start blogging about lessons that I learn! Happy Summer Everyone!