Monday, August 9, 2010

Falling in love with Charlotte

To start, some images from my dinner this evening, inspired by my farmers market finds this weekend. Roasted squash and eggplant (from the farmers market), israeli couscous, and heirloom tomato mozzarella salad with a pesto vinaigrette (tomatos and basil for pesto from farmers market). Turned out to be delicious!

As I am getting more and more settled into my new city I keep finding wonderful and special things that Charlotte has to offer. This week's find was the Charlotte Regional Farmers Market. Here are some photos of my finds:
Squash, peppers, eggplant, and a white cucumber!
Beautiful and delicious yellow heirloom tomatoes.
And a little more.
I am so excited to be able to share little pieces of my life here with all of you. This week is an easier week, because I only have new teacher training on Thursday. Otherwise I am just planning on my own time for August 25th the first day of school! I am going to decorate my classroom this week, so stay tuned for pictures of whatever that turns out to look like.

I titled this post "falling in love with Charlotte" because I am really starting to feel at home here. This city just has so much to offer. On Thursday I went to a great art house movie theater that is right near my apt, and Saturday I explored some of the night life in uptown (Charlotte calls its downtown "uptown" because it is on a hill). I can't wait to share more of my finds, and start to share my classroom stories!


Unknown said...

Ooh, looks yummy! I miss your cooking already. I may have to make a trip down to Charlotte when I'm back from Africa just for a meal. ;-)

Glad you're starting to feel at home.

Samter Petuel said...

Those peaches look yummy!