Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Classroom

I think this is the moment you've all been waiting of my classroom! So these are pictures I took to help me brainstorm ideas and I thought I would share them with all of you to see if you have any advice. I have to say that decorating my classroom really stresses me out. I really do not like tacky teacher paraphernalia so this does not help with my decorating skills. My vision is that my students will sit in a horse shoe shape so that I can walk around in front of them (I like to wander when I teach). I am worried that everything is looking a little claustrophobic right now though, and it's only going to get worse because I am getting ten computers soon and I have no idea where those are going. So take a look at these pictures and send me your advice! Tomorrow I begin new teacher training hooray!

Can I fit 120 binders for all the students in this space?

This is what I will see while I am teaching.

The sea of desks. That big bulletin board is now covered in blue chart paper and will have a border on it next time you see it. On the right I will put the behavior trackers I think.

That was my attempt at making a calendar out of painters tape (resourceful I know!). It looks awful no need to tell me...Friday it will become bigger squares, only school days, and four weeks long.

And this is what you see when you enter. That's my desk in the back. So send me ideas, thoughts, whatever!

1 comment:

Samter Petuel said...

How about printing out some big images of fruits and vegetables and hanging them on the walls. Get the kids thinking about healthy eating! Or print out pictures of the authors of your books?