Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life and Classroom Updates

I find that as a teacher my life is now non-stop, even more so than before. Every moment of each day needs to be scheduled so that I get everything done. So I have tons of updates since my last post, despite the fact that it was only a few days ago.

Firstly, I finally got our class big goal poster up in the classroom. I made a poster of the big goal that I shared with all of you and I had all of the students sign it so that they were committing to our goal.

I've been having some frustrating car issues, and I got the car you see a picture of here for a rental car. This car is a
cross between a grandma's car and a gangster's car...I am embarrassed to be anywhere near it. I can't wait to get rid of it, but the jokes about my grand marquis don't seem to get old. For
example: last night I went out for Indian food with L, and they gave us an extra entree...we are pretty sure we can attribute that to the grand marquis.

I went on a baking and cooking rampage today to let off some steam and relax before grading and some yoga. As the weather cools off in Charlotte I can't help being excited for fall. I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies... a family favorite that reminds me of my sisters!

Lastly the classroom blog is going to be fully launched tomorrow! I posted our first post tonight. As I am trying to adapt technology into our classroom, I am always seeking out advice and ideas. so email me if you have ideas! My newest idea (thanks to a brilliant coworker) is that each of my students will actually have a personal blog that will be linked to our blog so that they can have an outlet to express themselves and explore their own interests. So check it out

1 comment:

Samter Petuel said...

Those cookies look delicious!
I went to classroom 432 blog. It's terrific. I can't wait to see what the kids do with this. What a great opportunity for them. And I'm glad your kids like you so much!