Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Failure and A Success

Today my lesson was a failure. Sometimes we have to admit our failures, and I am learning to accept that. This is not to say that my day was a failure...just my lesson. I wanted students to have time to set up their blogs, so I broke students into three groups, they would be at the computers for 15 minutes each, and then they would switch. While students were at computers all other students were reading in pairs filling out a graphic organizer together... this did not work. It was chaos, mayhem, and my newest favorite expression: complete bananas. I accept this all and now it is time to charge head on towards tomorrow in order to overcome this chaotic day. Tomorrow students will not be in groups and they will have to be seated for much of the class time, we just need to regain some momentum in terms of our behavior. We are also going to do some positive fun activities in order to get our morale back on track.

Now for my success. At the end of today, I felt pretty under appreciated. I think that this was a result of my own low self esteem from being a new teacher and also from a chaotic day. As I was telling a friend about my day on the phone and strategizing for the next I found the note above. One of my students left that note somewhere on my desk under a binder instead of in the usual mail box. On the front it says "to: Miss Samuel from: u will never know..." and then on the inside there are all sorts of small words of encouragement. Every negative feeling that I had about today was erased because of that note. That note reminded me why I am here and why I am a teacher. I am here for the students.

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