Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Looking For Mentors

Inspired by a mentorship program between my school and UNCC I would like to match every single one of my students up with someone who can be a mentor to them over the internet (by gchat, email, skype, etc.). The vision is that my students will get to know someone who is in college, or a college graduate and who is on the path to success. The conversations they have can be about anything from hw help to mentoring, and in the beginning they can start by talking about goals, and what a goal is and how you plan to get there. If you are interested in being a mentor please email me and I will give you more information when you email me.

This will mean so much to my students, and it will be a great way for them to practice writing for someone other than me. Thank you for your continuous support!


Unknown said...

Got any kids interested in technology?

Suzy said...

Count me in!

Unknown said...

Zoe, still need mentors? I could do this.
